Chameleons are one of the most popular animals in the pet industry. It's easy to see why. These unique looking animals come in all kinds of shapes, sizes and color palates - from all over the world. They can be bred in captivity and make very friendly pets. However, they may not be for everyone as they require daily care and attention. Chameleon enclosures should be well ventilated -constructed of mesh or screen and they should be taller than they are wide. As a general rule the enclosure should be at least 5-6 times the animals body length in width, and the height should be at least double the width. Chameleons need high amounts of humidity and should be misted 2-3 times a day if not supplied with a fogger. (Glass aquariums should not be used for housing to achieve humidity as they contribute to fungal and respiratory infections.) Chameleons should be given a dripper for fresh water, which they will collect on leaves (either real or artificial) to drink. A dish can be placed at the bottom of the enclosure to catch this water, they will not drink from that dish. Some may drink from a water dish mounted in the upper portion of their enclosure.



 Chameleons require both UVA and UVB lighting to process their food and grow properly. Young chameleons stress easily and should be kept away from other pets, loud noises, and high traffic areas of the home. When breeding Chameleons, a prolapsed hemipene can be fatal in as little as 72 hours, use Reptanicals Prolapse Care to retract them. Bio-active set-ups can be beneficial for these beautiful creatures by creating a more natural environment, increasing humdity, decreasing stress, reducing outside pests, reducing maintenance, and providing the occasional treat.


Chameleon Information Care Sheet:



Wound Care is perfect for Chameleons.

Difficulty:  Intermediate


Size:  5-12" (depending on species) largest species can run 26"


Lifespan:  5-10 years (depending on species)


Food Preferences:  crickets, house flies, fruit flies, red runner roaches, hornworms (as occasional treats). Dark leafy green vegetables such as collard greens and ficus leaves.


Temperature Requirements:  73-85*F


Lighting:  UVB 10.0 (at least 12 hours a day)


Breeding:  relatively easy but egg and hatchling care can be difficult for beginners


Substrate:  No substrate, reptile bark, coconut coir or soil (if kept in a planted enclosure)


Humidity:  60-80%


Suggested Products: Reptanicals Wound Care, Reptanicals Prolapse Care, Isopod Cleaner Crews (if kept in a planted enclosure)