Reptile Factory Reptanicals Healing Salve Springtails
Highlighter Chameleons Reptanicals Gypsy Gems and Jewelry Reptanicals Healing Salve

 Where Are some places i can find Reptanical products?

Past expos

Zoo Med SLO Expo Reptanicals Healing Salve & Presentation
Central Valley Reptile Expo Reptanical Healing Salve Presentation
Reptile Super Show Reptanical Healing Salve
Repticon Reptanical Healing Salve
Conex Comic Book Reptile Expo Reptanical Healing Salve Presentation
Chico Reptile Show Reptanicals Healing Salve
North Bay Herpitological Society Reptile Expo Reptanicals Healing Salve & Presentation
The Norcal Reptile Expo Reptanicals Healing Salve
San Jose Tulare Reptile Show Reptanical Healing Salve
Vallejo Reptile & Oddities Expo Reptanicals Healing Salve
silicon valley reptile expo Reptanical Healing Salve & Presenttation

Expo Presentations

Pet Shop Santa Cruz Reptanicals Healing Salve
Reptilian Nation Expo Reptanicals Presentation
Reptilian Nation Expo Reptanical Healing Salve & Presenttation
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Store sign-up

Interested in stocking your store(s) with any of our products? Go ahead and fill the form out below!

Click photograph below for more information on offered programs and book a show! 

Attn: We are not offering in-person events for 2023 as we turn our focus towards social media and additional educational materials!