The asian forest scorpion is one of the largest scorpion species, rivaling the Emperor scorpions, and is also one of the most popular in the pet industry. While they look black they are actually a dark blue, and like many other scorpion species - they illuminate under UV black lighting. Asian forest scorpions do very well in glass enclosures with screen lids as they allow excess heat to escape. A heat mat should be placed underneath one side of the tank. Scorpions burrow and will seek a safe sheltered place. Excavating sand can be used to create solid burrows and dynamic climbing structures to accompany substrate for digging. As scorpions grow they molt, usually about six times over a lifespan, shedding their hard exoskeleton when their bodies outgrow it. They emerge white, soft-bodied and very vunerable in a stressful, exhausting process that can take hours. Following a molt scorpions are extremely susceptible to predators and injury as they wait for their new exoskeleons to harden.
Asian forest scorpions are carnivores and usually only eat live insects. Adults will drink from a wide shallow water dish. Adults can also greatly benefit from a bio-active set up where they will enjoy eating the Reptanicals Cleaner Crew isopods that clean up after them! (Please note in rare instances starving isopods may attempt to make a meal of a freshly molted scorpion, or scorpion young. This is especially true of powder blues. To avoid this place small carrot pieces in the enclosure to provide additional food for cleaner crews and use smaller more docile species like dwarf whites.) Like reptiles, scorpions should be fed a varied diet of gut loaded insects dusted with calcium powder to ensure proper nutrition. Enclosures should be misted daily to provide moisture, some scorpions will come out to bathe during this time. Unlike some scorpion species, Asian Forest scorpions are relatively docile and are safe to handle. They do not sting readily and in the event it happens, the pain is similar to that of a bee sting. Obese or gravid scorpions show skin between their sternites, which is susceptible to injuries, these can be treated with Reptanicals Wound Care to reduce inflammation, speed healing time, and protect against microbes!
(Scorpion and Babies)
Difficulty: Beginner
Size: 4-5 inches
Lifespan: 20-30 years
Food Preferences: crickets, mealworms, superworms, dubia roaches, red runner roaches, waxworms (as occasional treats). Adults may eat pinky mice or fish
Temperature Requirements: 73-85*
Lighting: Not necessary (but animals may benefit from some low lighting as they would naturally absorbsome light during dusk hours when emerging to hunt)
Breeding: Largely not done in captivity due to high number of cheaply imported wild-caught specimen in pet trade.
Substrate: 2-3" soil and coconut coir mix for burrowing (solid cave or tunnel hides also suggested)
Humidity: 60-80%
Suggested Products: Reptanicals Wound Care, Isopod Cleaner Crews, fossil feeder dish